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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hello Peoples

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Giving Until It Hurts

I have a dear friend who takes medication like people eat skittles.  This is not because she is addicted, but because she is in constant pain.  Her heart is even more pure than the clearest and most expensive diamond ever known to man.  Her beauty cannot be contained for it is within her and without.  The man who finally gets her, will be truly blessed.

When I met her, we were both in the VA Hospital being treated at the physical therapist.  Pain would course down her face as her body shot disturbing messages to her brain, to alert that something was invariably wrong.  This never stopped her smile from growing on the corners of her mouth, as she enthusiastically told a story or two.  Many doctors and family members mistook her joy and they felt as if the pain she felt was all "in her head".  Boy, were they proven wrong.

With a heart of gold, this woman has one major fault.  Can one love too much, give too much, and care too much?  Well, she does.  Her family often calls her to have her help them move, or take care of getting rid of an abandoned home, to drive for hours on end to run errands.  She has a family of able-bodied people, yet they use her to the point of breaking her, and she does not know how to say no.  She has friends who become ill and she is right there to help them and nurse them back to health. Her nephews and neices know her as their very best auntie, because she loves them truly and plays with them and makes them feel loved and important. 

I write this blog as final plea to a friend.  I write it also to bring forth awareness not only to my friend's disease, but also to the disease of not saying no, to users.  This girl with all the love in the world, never ever says no.  She loves to feel needed, but she hates the pain.  I fear for the life of my friend.  I have warned her many times, that  doing so much can kill her.  My friend has Lupes.  She suffers such excruciating pain that she cannot sleep at night.  One time she was unable to move at all for several hours.  And not one of those individuals that ask her daily for assistance lifted a finger to help her. The times that she suffers the worst pain are the times that she is helping all of the leeches in her life. I love my friend dearly, and I want her to live a long life.  I want her to have her own babies, and to have a husband that deserves her love.  These are the things that she states she wants in her life, too. I am scared that she will not have anything left to give when God does bless her with the family she wants. I fear for her life...

Please leave a comment to tell her not to give until it hurts  Every comment adds another moment to her life......